Valuation Experts and Consultants
Services Offered
Marital Dissolution (Divorce)
Your business is typically your largest joint marital asset and the most complex to value. A business valuation will either be court appointed or voluntarily engaged, to facilitate a friendly and fair distribution settlement.
Estate and Gift Tax
If you have a partnership / LLC interests then the gifting of closely held stock necessitates an independent valuation, to provide an objective analysis as to the fair market value of the business at the time of the ownership transition.
Shareholder and Partnership Buyouts and Disputes
If you or a partner/shareholder decide to leave the partnership or offer an equity position to someone else then a proper third-party valuation can assist in a quicker, fair and amicable transaction.
Quality of Earnings
Many businesses not only acquire a business, but need to determine the Quality of Earnings (QOE) of the business being acquired. Our team of CPA’s and analysts can evaluate the QOE and prepare a report to ensure your due diligence is complete and Earnings will continue.
Advisory Services
Buying or selling a company is a unique endeavor. We can help. We provide advisory services for transactions and ensure that our clients are getting a fair price and terms.
Purchase Price Allocation
When you acquire a company, you will need to assess the value of the intangibles on your books. Each asset including trade name, customer list, workforce, and physical assets will need to be valued separately and reviewed for impairment.
Buy-Sell Agreements
Many buy/sell agreements require a business valuation so that your or their ownership will be transferred at fair market value. Agreements between partners or shareholders should be based upon an independent business appraisal rather than a rule of thumb formula because formulas may yield an unrealistic value.
Financial and Tax Reporting
Certain financial & tax reporting situations necessitate an independent valuation service. When your company offers & issues stock options, or transfers or sells equity interests, a valuation is required to report related compensation expense and the recipients to accurately report income.
Expert Witness Testimony
Many business disputes involving valuation, lost profits, shareholder dissent, goodwill impairment, etc. need an expert to assist the attorney or client in reviewing opposing counsel’s expert reports. Our battle tested experts will be an asset to your dispute.
SBA Lending
Increasingly local banks and lenders will request an independent market valuation prior to approving a business loan or credit line. A business valuation is a instrumental tool to include in a loan package when approaching lenders to negotiate your rate and loan terms.
Personal Financial Management
Your business represents a typical owner's single most valuable asset. Despite this, most business owners have no realistic concept of the true market value. A business valuation empowers you to make informed critical decisions, such as proper timing to pursue an exit strategy.
Subchapter S Conversions
If you're planning to convert from "C" to "S" or "LLC" corporate status, you should have a valuation done as of the conversion date to determine the tax calculation for the IRS. If your company is sold prior to the ten year holding period, there is a tax due on the built-in gain of value from the date of conversion.